Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What has God been teaching you lately?

I'm curious to see your responses to how the Lord has been working in your lives recently.


Emily said...

I feel like I have a lot to say on this topic but not a lot of time (since I'm at work). In short, I went through a period a little while ago where I was feeling like I was in a pit and just didn't particularly feel drawn to God and I made no real efforts to pursue Him. I still went to church but it was more out of habit than anything else. I'd quit praying and reading my Bible, though. I didn't like that I was doing this, but I didn't want to humble myself and return to God, either.

Finally I got to a point where I was tired of fleeing from God and I just wanted to know that He was there and cared about me. I was flipping through Psalms and came across Psalm 143. I cried as I read it because it described everything I was feeling. One thing that stuck out to me about how the Psalmist felt better about his situation was remembering what God had done for him. I was in Bible study this spring and the main point of that study was talking about the importance of remembering God's faithfulness and setting up stones of rememberance for us and the generations to follow.

He used the situation when my car broke down in Nashville to teach me about His provision and just remind me how much He cares for me. It was a very humbling weekend for me because I was completely powerless to do anything. He used those I was with to remind me to go to God with all my worries and concerns. And even if He doesn't answer my prayers like I want, He's still in control and He's still good.

So this wasn't really short, but oh well. :) Thanks for reading!

Sarah said...

To yield, trust, and put my hope fully in Him. The last few months have been especially hard with the miscarriage followed by more months of unsuccessfully trying to have another baby. I've had to come to grips with the fact that I'm not in control of my body. I've also had to stop putting my hope in things that I don't know to be true (like "maybe next month we'll be pregnant") and instead hope in truth. So I'd say more, but Kaelem just dumped a box of birthday candles all over the floor.