Thursday, November 13, 2008

Somewhere Out There

Changing gears, if you could go anywhere in the entire world for a week, where would it be and why?


Sarah said...

Israel. No brainer. It would be one of those guided tours by Lon Solomon who knows the history of the place as well as the Bible. I wouldn't want to go to "walk where Jesus walked," because that's verging on mysticism I think...but it'd be cool to see the old place before it's radically changed. I think it'd also help me picture actual places when I read about them in the OT.

BTW, did David ever answer the last question?

Emily said...

I'd have to agree with you about Israel. For the same reasons, too. I also think it'd be cool to see the pyramids and sphyinx in Egypt.

Emily said...

David, where do you want to go?

Jed said...

Since Emily brought it back up again, I'll answer, too.

Ever since watching Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, I've wanted to visit Petra. Since that's on a lot of the Holy Land tours, I'd have that covered, too.

Dave said...

I also would like to visit Israel, but since that's already been talked about, I'm going with New Zealand. I've just heard amazing things about the climate, ocean, animals, etc. I also would really like going on an African Safari. Really, I just want to travel. Sorry it took me so long...

Emily said...

Good call on the safari David! I also would love to go scuba diving at the Great Barrier Reef. And it'd be really cool to go to outerspace, but I'm guessing that's not gonna happen.